Wednesday, April 3, a.m. Room 34

Symposium H: Cultural Systems
P. Ballonoff, USA, I. Ezhkova, Belgium, M. Fischer, UK, P. Jorion, France, and D. Read, USA

Integrating Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Culture: The "Hard" and the "Soft"
M. Fischer, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
From Database Query to Cultural Questions
J. Bagg, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
Modelling Adaptive Dynamics and Social Knowledge
S. Bharwani, M. Fischer, N. Ryan, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
Modelling Competing Contextual Rules: Conflict Resolution in Punjab, Pakistan
S.M. Lyon, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
Considering Culture as a System
G. Marshall, Marshall Consulting, Buckinghamshire, UK