Friday, March 28, a.m. Room 48

Symposium E: Biocybernetics and Mathematical Biology
L.M.Ricciardi, Italy

Biomimic Spider Double Stereo Vision by the Walking Tree Method
P. Cull, T. Hsu, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA
Differences in the Signal Processing in a Model of the Nucleus reticularis thalami of Epileptic and non-Epileptic type
T.I. Toth, N. Leresche, T. Bessaih, V. Crunelli, Cardiff University, U. K.
On First-passage Problems for Asymmetric Diffusions
M. Abundo, Universita Tor Vergata, Rom, Italy
FPT Densities Constructions from Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process
V. Giorno, A.G. Nobile, E. Pirozzi, L.M. Riccardi, Universita di Salerno, Italy