Wednesday, March 26, a.m. Room 46

Symposium C: The Cybernetics of Cybernetics: Cybernetics, Interaction and Conversation
R. Glanville, UK

Conversing with Cultural Information Systems and Reflections on the Cybernetics of Adaptive Knowledge Systems
G. Mallen, System Simulation Ltd, London, United Kingdom
Artstations Practice and a Cybernetic Canon
G. Davidson, A. Hayes, N. Tresilian, Artstation Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
The Mechanical Homunculus
S. Gage, C. Leung, The Bartlett University College, London, UK
Holistic Cybernetics Conceived as the Result of a Gradually Lessened "Detachment of the Observer"
L. Loefgren, University of Lund, Sweden