Tuesday, April 6, p.m. Room 47

Symposium J: From Agent Theory to Agent Implementation - AT2AI-7
J. Mueller, Germany, and P. Petta, Austria

Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems: A Declarative Approach using Coordination Spaces
A. Vilenica, A. Pokahr, L. Braubach, W. Lamersdorf, J. Sudeikat, W. Renz, University of Hamburg, Germany
Monitoring Time-Aware Social Commitments with Reactive Event Calculus
F. Chesani, P. Mello, M. Montali, P. Torroni, DEIS - University of Bologna, Italy
Behavior Adaptation in RMAS: An Agent Architecture based on MDPs
M.S. Fagundes, H. Billhardt, S. Ossowski, University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Using CSP in the Formal Specification of the Micro-Organizational Level of Multiagent Systems
R. Barbosa, A.C.R. Costa, P. Tedesco, A. Mota, Instituto de Informática, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Wrap up discussion